
Sunday, June 17, 2012

The price of the past.

Im feeling nostalgic.

I remember the times I was...better. Although I tried at interpersonal relationships, and mostly failed, I think back to the people who were brave enough to attempt the insurmountable. Being with me.
Ive hurt so many, that have done nothing but try and love me. I remember the conflict of emotion, the disappointment, and more importantly the good times. Almost all of them have moved on to greener pastures, but they are not, and will never be forgotten.

I look at old photos, and feel a twinge of pain, for my transgressions. I was unable to appreciate them. Sadly given the opportunity to go back and do it again, I feel things would turn out the same. Fundamental flaws you see. I do not ask forgiveness, but wish them the happiness they sought from me, that I couldnt supply.

Now, in my "old age" I live in nostalgia. Remembering when things were seemingly simple. How I yearn for a glimpse of the things I had, the people that cared. As poor as I was, I was a rich man.

Now.... I am bankrupt. Emotions have been sold to pay old debts. I doubt I will ever be the same and in the same token, doubt I will ever feel or experience the things that used to give me joy. I am a new man now, and I must discover who this is. Once Skorn goes back into hibernation, what will be left?

Will there be anything left of value?
Such a fool I am.

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