
Sunday, April 1, 2012

One does not simply walk into Mordor...

The image painted by the speaker of this tale is of a barren wasteland, bereft of life and hostile at every step. A protected fortress, where darkness and evil spawn the stuff of nightmares. The irony of this, the similarity of my life, is not lost on me. For I am the courier of my own demise...

This story begins as it usually does. With a girl. I dont know what fundamental character flaw I possess that makes me so vulnerable to their charms, but I was stricken again with the malady of personal interest. Woe did I think I could lead a normal life, and experience the joys I covet so greatly. But I get ahead of myself...

This one female was remarkable in the sense that I was committed to changing my ways, when it comes to the rules relationships. Contrary to EVERY single person I have ever been involved in, I was prepared to let every and anyone know, that I "Had Someone". I had in effect simply opened the black gates and let her through.

This, as in the fabled tale quoted early, would be my undoing.

One does not simply walk into Mordor.

Regardless of all my defenses, vile creatures, and toxic atmosphere, she quite simply waltzed right in, dropped the ring in the pit and retreated. I never saw it coming until it was too late.

Metaphors aside, I trusted her. I thought for once, here was someone I was willing to take seriously, and she trivialized my efforts. As usual I am left twisting in the wind, twirling in the maelstrom, lost.... lost. I wanted once for something to be real and once again, solitude is my reward for loyalty. Much like Gollum on the brink of rehabilitation, is betrayed and lost, his path forever now set firm to the destiny that awaits him.

I am weary travelers, and I was foolish enough to open the gates once again. But on this day of fools, I reckon I shall be destined to repeat my mistake. Such a fool I am.

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