
Friday, September 9, 2011

Something on the Horizon

The Palace of Science and Culture in the middle of Warsaw stands as a monument of an age past. To some it is an eyesore, and an unwanted reminder of lesser days. To others it is a necessary piece of history. But both parties can agree on one fact. It is, in its own right, and impressive structure.

We have in our lives, monuments such as these. People or events that stand tall in our minds to remind us of the adage, history has a habit of repeating itself.

As I begin my next foray into the unknown, I stand with trepidation. On the Horizon stands a monument. Its as recognizable as the Palace of Culture in the heart of Poland's captial city, yet should I be afraid? It is only there as a part of history. A history I would much rather not repeat. Soon I will venture to Slovakia to spend two weeks in semi-seclusion with other people and this thought frightens me. I see the monument. It reminds me of the past. Just beyond the horizon.

One could say this is a pessimistic view of the world but in truth I call it realism. You cant pretend its NOT there, you cant pretend it DIDNT happen. We all know history CAN repeat itself and is it pessimistic to give consideration to the fact that it might, and to prepare oneself for this potential outcome? I dont do well in these social situations, and as I look forward I do so with dread in my heart.

I try and use my life experiences to add meaning and reason to whatever I digitally pen down, however this time I can only say... I dont know what is going to happen, and if you find yourself in a similar situation I wish you luck.

I need a shade more than that I think.


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